Dental Hyegiene

Teeth Cleaning

Tobacco and It’s Effects on Oral Health

Quit Smoking”, “don’t make an ash of yourself”, “Don’t be wacko stop tobacco”, “Drugs pull you down six feet underground” Blah Blah Blah…… lots of slogans, posters, advertisements, flyers, even theatres, and movies tends to endorse against tobacco usage, but nobody seems to care. Somewhere alongside the banks of a river or in a mushy

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Cleaning For A Brighter Smile: With The Best Teeth Cleaning Tools

Maintaining good oral hygiene is as important as having a wonderful smile. Imagine yourself talking to someone important such as your boss, colleague, relatives, or friends, and notice them staring at your teeth while talking to you. This might riskyour own impression on to others and also this will lower your self-confidence while having a

Teeth Cleaning For A Brighter Smile: With The Best Teeth Cleaning Tools Read More »

Dental Plaque

5 reasons why shouldn’t one skip regular dental checkups?

“Prevention is better than cure”, yet many people, not only in India but worldwide seems to take their oral health for granted, Dental Anxiety, Time and Money are the most common reason. Yet regular dental checkups are important not only to maintain oral health but also to your overall well being. Just by brushing and

5 reasons why shouldn’t one skip regular dental checkups? Read More »

Dental Plaque

Can Oral Disease Hamper Other Systemic Condition in The Body?

In India, oral care is often ignored as most of the people think that teeth are only important for chewing food and as people have twenty-eight teeth losing few won’t have any overall impact and one can survive with few teeth ….so we decided to write something about how teeth play an important role in

Can Oral Disease Hamper Other Systemic Condition in The Body? Read More »

Cosmetic Dentistry

Mucormycosis (BLACKFUNGUS) dental treatment in Pune

What is mucormycosis? Why is it important to know about black fungus..what makes it a more dreadful disease …should we not give a thought why wasn’t it heard ever in the past despite patients existing with an immunocompromisedcondition, a question we all need to understand and know facts about it. Everyone knows that its fungal

Mucormycosis (BLACKFUNGUS) dental treatment in Pune Read More »


Let’s talk about the most common questions asked to us by our patients and how we explain them…..

Hi readers …we thought of making this blog more interesting by elaborating the question asked to us by our patients and the explanation we give them so here we go… The most common questions asked is Is tooth removal related to blindness? The answer is ‘NO’…. tooth removal doesn’t affect your eye in any way

Let’s talk about the most common questions asked to us by our patients and how we explain them….. Read More »

What People Say About Us

Importance of Medical History in Dentistry

Medical history plays a very important role while treating patients for any dental procedure. We at Pathak Dental Clinic in Pune believe in taking appropriate medical history before starting any dental treatment for our patients but despite that many of the patients have no idea how the dental procedure may aggravate their medical condition henceforth

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